IOW Trading Standards Approved
Wednesday 31st January 2024
We are proud members of the Isle of Wight Council Trading Standards Trader Approval Scheme. This scheme provides a list of local businesses which have given their commitment to trading fairly. Every business listed has undergone a detailed background check before being approved as a member of the scheme.
Entry Vetting Process
In order to become an Isle of Wight Trader Approval Scheme member, a business needs to apply to join the scheme and then must pass a set of tailored background checks (including DBS checks, credit checks and verification of qualifications). Membership of the scheme is not given lightly, amongst the checks, each applicant will have a personal meeting with a Trading Standards Officer. Good references are required from previous customers and applicants must agree to abide by the scheme's code of conduct, which requires them to follow the letter and spirit of the law and the schemes terms and conditions. These minimum standards have been designed to ensure that member businesses are equipped to deliver good customer service, together with the right and proper personal approach by every member of staff.
Only if all the scheme requirements are met, will a business be granted membership, and their conduct will continue to be monitored thereafter.
Click to view our certificate